This is a diffraction pattern from a frog sartorius muscle taken by using a synchrotron radiation from the TRISTAN main ring at KEK, Tsukuba. An undulator beam was used.
Ring energy : 8 GeV
Ring current : 5.4 mA
Wavelength : 1.45 A (selected by a double-monochromator, Si(220))
Specimen : Bullfrog sartorius muscle (whole muscle)
Beam size : cut down to nominally 0.25mm (vertical) x 1mm (horizontal)
Detector : Imaging Plate
Exposure time : 10 min
Specimen-to-detector distance : 2624 mm
Recorded at 8am 20/Oct/1995 by N.Yagi, H.Iwamoto, K.Horiuti & I.Kojima
Muscle axis is vertical. Note the fine samplings along the meridian.